Trellis Comments

Trellis offers a comments feature that improves site performance by rendering only the first five top-level comments of a post.

Trellis defers the loading of the remaining comments (which can be a huge part of page markup) until they’re actually needed.

Enabling Trellis Comments

Trellis Comments are enabled by default. Publishers can access the setting that controls them by going to Appearance > Mediavine Trellis and clicking on Display. The toggle is available in the Layout section.

Trellis Comments toggle in Trellis Settings.

How Trellis Comments Work

The first five top-level comments on a post are server-rendered via the WordPress REST API. A Preact app then modifies a div constructed by Trellis’ class-comments.php file. Trellis then populates these comments with extra data and user interface elements.

Finally, Trellis fetches all comments for the post that are stored in the component state. When a site visitor requests more comments, no additional REST requests are made.

Compatibility Issues

When Trellis Comments is enabled, comments are submitted via the WordPress REST API. This can cause conflicts with third-party plugins that add additional fields (such as ratings) to a post’s comments field. Most plugins save data via the form submission, not an API call, which can cause issues.

Trellis attempts to mitigate any problems by saving each field in the comment form as a piece of comment metadata. However, when a comment plugin uses a different name for the form field than it does the meta key, there will be a problem.

If you plan on using additional comment plugins with your Trellis child theme, be sure to test them. If there are conflicts, you may need to disable Trellis Comments entirely. See Trellis Themes: Conflicts and Compatibilities in the Help Center for information on known plugins that don’t work well with Trellis.

Useful Filters

The following filters can be used in Trellis child theme code for comments. For additional filters and functions, see the Reference section.