Post Meta Output

Post Meta is information that can appear at the top or bottom of every post in Trellis Core and the included Bamboo, Birch, and Wisteria child themes.

Publishers can configure Post Meta in Trellis Settings, selecting what information appears on a post. Available meta information includes: Author, Breadcrumbs (if the Yoast SEO plugin is active), Categories, Comment Count, and Date (Published, Modified, or both).

The image below shows the default Post Meta information as rendered by the Trellis Core theme with Yoast SEO installed.

Post Meta article top. Post Meta article bottom.


Publishers can control the Post Meta information and where it gets displayed in Trellis Settings. These values are then accessed by various filters and functions. Template parts contain logic to render the information.

Post Meta options in Trellis Settings.
Setting NameDescriptionUsage
Post Meta Display - TopSelect which post meta to display in the post header. Options include: Comment Count, Author, Date, and Categories.

If Yoast SEO is installed, you can show Yoast breadcrumbs.
Refer to the article-meta-header template part in Trellis Core to see how this is implemented.

Location: mediavine-trellis/template-parts/article/article-meta-header.php
Post Meta Display - BottomSelect which post meta to display in the post footer. Options include: Author, Date, and Categories.

If Yoast SEO is installed, you can show Yoast breadcrumbs.
Refer to the article-meta-footer template part in Trellis Core to see how this is implemented.

Location: mediavine-trellis/template-parts/article/article-meta-footer.php
Post Meta Date DisplaySelect the date to display in the post header. Options include: Display Modified, Display Published, or Display Both.Created by the mv_trellis_entry_date() function. See Functions for more information. You can also refer to the article-meta-header or article-meta-footer template parts in Trellis Core for reference.


The configuration in Trellis Settings can be accessed via the mv_trellis_is_meta_item_enabled() function. Individual options are queried by their slug to determine if the publisher has them set. Available Post Meta slugs include:

  • author
  • breadcrumbs (only available if Yoast SEO is installed)
  • categories
  • comment_count
  • date

The function also specifies a location, which can be:

  • post_meta_top
  • post_meta_bottom


In the following example, the $display_author variable will be set to true or false depending on (1) if the post type supports an author, and (2) if the Trellis Post Meta Author setting is enabled and set to the top of the post.

$display_author = ( post_type_supports( get_post_type( $post_id ), 'author' ) && mv_trellis_is_meta_item_enabled( 'author', 'post_meta_top' ) );

If a Post Meta item is available, other functions are used to output its value.

  • author: mv_trellis_entry_author()
  • date: mv_trellis_entry_date()
  • comment_count: Calculated in the article_meta_header template
  • categories: mv_trellis_entry_taxonomies
  • breadcrumbs: Assembled from an internal class and posted to the hook specified by the mv_trellis_top_breadcrumbs_placement filter.


The following example shows how the post’s Author meta information is output in article-meta-header.php.

if ( $display_author ) {
		<p class="author-meta post-author meta-wrapper">
				echo esc_html__( 'By: ', 'mediavine' );

Useful Filters

One filter is available to adjust breadcrumb placement if Yoast SEO is installed:

  • mv_trellis_top_breadcrumbs_placement: Filters the action hook called for the breadcrumb output near the top of pages. The default is tha_aside_before_entry_content, which is output by mvt_entry_before() in the Trellis Core templates. See Hooks in the Reference section for a list of all available hooks.

Additional Information

To best understand how Post Meta information is displayed, refer to the article-meta-header.php and article-meta-footer.php template parts in Trellis Core.

Moving the Comment Count

If you’d like to display the Comment Count at the bottom of a post, you’ll need to add code to your child theme’s functions.php file as well as modifying the article-meta-footer.php template part.


This code will add the Comment Count as an option to Post Meta in Trellis Settings:

 * Allows the Comment Count to be used at the bottom of Post Meta.
 add_filter( 'mv_trellis_before_update_post_meta_bottom', 'mv_add_comments_option_to_post_meta_bottom' );
 function mv_add_comments_option_to_post_meta_bottom( array $setting ) {
     $setting['data']['options']['comment_count'] = 'Comment Count';
     return $setting;


You’ll need to add three pieces of code in the article-meta-footer.php template part.

  1. Check if the Comment Count has been enabled for the footer:
// Check if the Comment Count is set for the bottom of Post Meta
$mv_trellis_display_comment_count = ( ( comments_open( $mv_trellis_post_id ) || get_comments_number() ) && ! post_password_required() && mv_trellis_is_meta_item_enabled( 'comment_count', 'post_meta_bottom' ) );
  1. Modify the post’s check for meta output to include the Comment Count:
// If we don't have any meta output, get out
if ( ! $mv_trellis_display_author && ! $mv_trellis_display_date && ! $mv_trellis_display_comment_count && ! $mv_trellis_display_categories && ! $mv_trellis_display_breadcrumbs ) {
  1. Add code to render the Comment Count:
// Comments.
	if ( $display_comment_count ) {
		<div id="comment-count" class="meta-element meta-wrapper">
				<?php mv_trellis_get_template_part( 'template-parts/svg/comment-bubble' ); ?>
				/* translators: %s: number of comments for the post */
				echo esc_html( sprintf( _n( '%s Comment', '%s Comments', get_comments_number(), 'mediavine' ), number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ) );